And I finally got to try out my new yoga mat!

For one reason or another we haven't had yoga for a few weeks. In the Autumn term I managed to go almost every week, but since Christmas it has been a bit bitty, and my balance has definitely suffered as a result.
I meant to take a few pictures of the room in the old Gothic building that my school is built around, but I forgot until the end, by which time the light was almost gone. I did spend a lot of time looking up at the ceiling and it is really a pretty one - hence the picture!

It is rather chilly at school this week, -4 as I got into my car to come home. But there were big vases crammed with daffodils around the room even which made it feel bright, even as the wind was howling around the other side of the rattley single pane casements and doors and throwing around the occasional flurry of snow.
As mentioned I was quite wobbly again. Hopefully we'll get a run of a few weeks (no more parents evenings to get in the way!) and I might find my balance and the happy impact of standing up a little straighter again.